Modelica was born as a high level programming language for modelling and simulation, but shortly evolved to a standard. Nowadays one can find several different implementations of the standard. Some of the most well known are OpenModelica (free), JModelica (free), Dymola (Dassault Systèmes), SimulationX (ESI ITI GmbH), MapleSim (Maplesoft), among others. In addition, some of these tools allow the user to export the result in accordance to the Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI), another standard to permit models from different users to be integrated easily in one unique big simulation somewhere in the world.

The goal of this post is not to talk about Modelica itself. One can find abundant information in internet about it. Though, I intend to present my simulation setup. It is worth noting that I am an open source evangelist. Therefore, all that follows is build with free state-of-art software for simulation. Enjoy!

basic setup:

I run a Debian machine, and I use OpenModelica. That said, the file /etc/apt/sources.list was changed to:

# [ original from debootstrap ]
deb jessie main
# [ kruk ]
deb jessie/updates main contrib
deb-src jessie/updates main contrib
deb jessie main contrib
deb-src jessie main contrib
# [ modelica ]
deb  jessie stable
deb-src  jessie stable

From a shell, the installation could not be easier:

# apt-get install openmodelica* ipython python-matplotlib

Ok. That's all Folks! Yes and No. The installation is finished, but the setup is just about to start.

I do not like graphical interfaces. Although OpenModelica comes with the nice OMEdit, I like more text files with comments. They are clearer for me. I can read the equations faster when they are in one line, instead of being spread in several canvas with long black tiny lines connecting them.

In the following, I will implement a simple dynamic system (plant) as well as a controller for it.

the plant:

dynamic system used [This picture was done using the tool 'potrace', from a scanned handwritten scratch converted to .svg file.]

Here we have a diagram of the plant. Very simple, it is just a mass moving freely on a table (no friction) and subject to only one force. The system input is the mentioned force, and the output is the position x of the mass. The relation between input and output of the system is given by Newton's Law.

the problem:

The goal is to move the mass from position 0[m] to position 1000[m], and stop there!

the Modelica object plant:

I put this code (file in a folder:

// # \author    Luciano Augusto Kruk
// # \web
// # \date      2016.11.20

class PLANT
    input  Real force "[N]";
    output Real x     "[m] displacement";
    parameter Real mass = 1 "kg";
    Real v "velocity";

initial equation
    x = 0;
    v = 1;

    v = der(x);
    mass * der(v) = force; /* Newton Law */

end PLANT;

together with this one (file doit.mos):

simulate(PLANT, stopTime=20, stepSize=1000e-6);

and, from a shell, I run:

$ omc +d=initialization doit.mos

As the main output, OpenModelica creates a file called PLANT_res.mat, where all public variables dependent on time are stored. If you got this file, everything seems promising, so far. But WTH is in the file, and how one can read it?

the *_res.mat:

Really, I will not be the one to explain you this file format. Sorry. I use a self-made python script to extract the data from the *res.mat file. Wanna try? Download from here. In a second you will have some examples on how to use the script.

What about a hands-on the setup so far? Put the files, doit.mos and in the same folder, and type:

$ omc +d=initialization doit.mos

If the file PLANT_res.mat is available, run the code bellow to see a graph with the results (python-matplotlib required).

$ ipython
>>> import momat2dat          as lrf;
>>> import numpy              as np;
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot  as plt;
>>> lookfor = [ 'time', 'v', 'x' ];
>>> data = lrf.fn_open_mat('PLANT_res.mat', lookfor);
>>> plt.figure(0); plt.clf();
>>> plt.plot(data[:,0], data[:,(1,2)], hold=False);
>>> plt.legend(('velocity', 'position'));
>>> plt.grid();
>>> plt.savefig('fig.svg');

output of plant simulation

the garbage:

So far, I haven't found how one can do the steps above in a separated folder, away from the .mo files. There is a set of useless (at least for me!) files automatically generated in the folder. At least one good news: the filenames are strange, but they do not change often, from one compilation to another. That means one can make a script to clean the garbage and this script will not demand continuous maintenance.

In my case, I have a script called sh_build to call the omc command, and another called sh_clean, to rub the house.

some serious play:

What about some more action? I put here the basic structure of a PID controller. When the plant is controllable in closed loop, the PID input shall vanish. Its output contain the three known parcels, named proportional, derivative and integrative.

// # \author    Luciano Augusto Kruk
// # \web
// # \date      2016.11.20

class PID
	parameter Real Kp = 0;
	parameter Real Ki = 0;
	parameter Real Kd = 0;
	input Real u;
	output Real y;

	Real up;
	Real iu;
	up = der(u);
	u = der(iu);

	y = (Kp*u) + (Kd*up) + (Ki*iu);
end PID;
[Content of file]

Now the final object which connects the PID model and the plant together...

// # \author    Luciano Augusto Kruk
// # \web
// # \date      2016.11.20

class main
    PLANT   p;
    PID     pid(Kp=1, Kd=1, Ki=0);
    //Real    force "[N] force";

initial equation
    //force = 10;

    //when sample(0,10) then
    //    force = - pre(force);
    //end when;

    /* connection among models: */
    //p.force = force;
    pid.u   = - (p.x - 1000);   /* pid input */
    pid.y   = p.force;          /* pid output */
end main;

The file doit.mos shall be adjusted to deal with the new files...

// # \author    Luciano Augusto Kruk
// # \web
// # \date      2016.11.20
simulate(main, stopTime=20, stepSize=1000e-6);

Wanna see if it works? Me too!!

output of controlled plant simulation

You can download all the files here.