Independent publication of the book “30 hours: a game-changing proposal for work-life balance and gender equity”.
Research Scientist. Adaptation to climate change in hydraulic engineering practice. E-learning. Research cooperation between Germany and Brazil on questions of hydraulic engineering and water management.
Assistant Professor. Hydrology, Drainage, Hydrological Modeling, Climate Change, Extension projects with the community, academic advisory for graduated and undergraduated students.
I am autodidact, self-motivated and present high performance in my activities. I also have an excellent ability to work in both team-oriented and self-directed environments, as well as outstanding ethic. I have always participated in volunteer work and today I am part of the Grupo Mulheres do Brasil Núcleo Frankfurt and the Communal Council of Immigrants of my city.
Education 4.0 in engineering.
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRR) and Resilience Promotion.
Hydrometeorological system used to predict extreme weather conditions.
Coupling of meteorological and hydrological models.
Numerical Methods for Engineers. Computacional Mechanics.